Single Product Dosing



Software for 3590EXT and CPWE weight indicators, to create single product dosage systems in loading (useful for filling hoppers, silos or big bags, or guiding the operator in the manual dosages) and in unloading (useful for dividing the quantity of materials of equal weight or extract precise quantities from the silo, with management of the reloading). Database of 500 formulas.


  • Selectable dosage mode between unloading, automatic or guided manual loading.
  • Management of the dosage on various scales (up to 4 independent).
  • Management of the production program for dosage up to 4 formulas in sequence, with automatic selection of the following formula and automatic change of the scale.
  • Management of the volume flow meter, for dosing in litres.
  • Checking of the tare presence at the dosage start; the tare values are programmable for each formula.
  • Automatic printing of the dosage data.
  • Storage and printing of the consumptions. Printouts may be quickly recalled from the keyboard.
  • Automatic correction of the flight weight.
  • Repetitions of the programmable dosage cycles; infinite cycle function.
  • Tolerance test on the dosed weight, with guided correction on display.
  • Check of the maximum dosage time.
  • Alarms indication on display.
  • Completely programmable printouts, for compatibility with any ASCII printer manageable through the serial port.


  • Database of 500 formulas with target, speed change threshold, flight, +/- tolerance, minimum tare and maximum tare values, 2 setpoint values in weight for activation of 2 output.
  • Manual programming of the activities and the formulas or throught PC software (Dinitools).


  • START / RESTART dosage, PAUSE / RESET cycle and introduction / selection formula.
  • Quick switch of the dosage target, through a dedicated key.
  • Quick introduction and selection of the dosage data.


  • START / RESTART dosage, PAUSE / RESET cycle through external inputs.
  • Formula selection through 2 external inputs.
  • Dual dosage speed (approximate and fine), through any available contacts or analogue output (optional).
  • “Fine” dosage contact active either constantly or intermittently (jogging).
  • Input and output with programmable functions.
  • Analogue output (optional) proportional to the dosed weight or to the dosage speed.
  • Serial communication protocol for programming the formulas, the products and managing the cycle.
  • External Profibus interface (optional), for programming the formulas and managing the cycle.
  • Bluetooth connection (optional), for quick wireless programming of the activities and the formulas, through PC or PDA.

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