Laboratory Scales
Most suppliers of Lab scales tend to categorise their balances into these four types which reflect the performance, and in most cases the price. Depending on what you are looking the weigh with your ‘balance’, and to what resolution / accuracy – will determine the type of scale you will opt for.
As a general rule – the Analytical Balances are just that – the higher end of the performance market and ideal for high accuracy weighing and all will come with a draft shield. The Precision Balances are for high precision, but maybe not to the same degree of accuracy as the analytical.
Budget Balances are ideal for Schools, Colleges and weighing requirements for less accuracy, but where a simple, cost effective solution for a low capacity scale is required. Moisture Analysers, are simply for determining the percentage of moisture in a sample.
These are available in a range of capacities and prices range depending on the performance.